New Episodes!
Supernatural Junkies
We are called the “Supernatural Junkies” because we talk about all the topics that seem to be off-limits in church. But the Bible is full of the supernatural, and it is time we stopped protecting people from it!

We are called the “Supernatural Junkies” because we talk about all the topics that seem to be off-limits in church. But the Bible is full of the supernatural, and it is time we stopped protecting people from it! Our show is candid “God talk” like you have never heard before. There is no current event or hot topic that is off-limits, that includes Bible prophecy, angles, life after death, demons, deliverance, apologetics, spiritual gifts, aliens, miracles, blessings, curses, quantum physics, freedom in Christ, politics, cosmology, false pandemics, conspiracies, and the coming “new world order.” Our goal is to wake up the “Lukewarm” church with some of the best guests and political insiders to inform us of what is going on in the world. Join us as we unleash more of the Bible on a new and unsuspecting generation

Kevan Kruse

Alex Kruse

Why Did I Say That?
The Covid Beast
Is Covid the mysterious “cause” the Bible said would give rise to the beast government of Revelation?
The Bible warned us of a deception so great that, if it were possible, it would deceive the very elect. Yet, as we speak, there is a coordinated move by the world’s governments to require mandatory access to our bodies. They are even threatening us with not being able to buy and sell unless we have a vaccine passport. It is not a coincidence that Satan needs these powers to pull off his ultimate plan. Indeed, with the technology available today, power over our “temples” is something we can never let any government have. This book will unite Christians and break the spell that has bewitched the whole world into willingly surrendering their God-given freedoms.

The Beast & The Vaccine
While God has not given us a spirit of fear, I do believe he has given us warnings that need to be heeded. If you don’t think what is coming is going to be a great deception, then why is there eight times as much Bible prophecy about when Jesus comes the second time?...
The COVID Beast
These are trying times for all of us, but we must press forward towards the truth. We have not just been talking about how the Covid narrative is false, but also about how the solutions they are steering us towards are totalitarian and flat-out communist. But is...
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Super Natural Junkies
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There is no current event or hot topic that is off-limits, that includes Bible prophecy, angles, life after death, demons, deliverance, apologetics, spiritual gifts, aliens, miracles, blessings, curses, quantum physics, freedom in Christ, politics, cosmology, false pandemics, conspiracies, and the coming “new world order.”