The Watchmen Declaration 

Ezekiel 33:6

As Pastors and as Christians, we must sound an alarm because governments worldwide have begun using extreme versions of coercion to destroy our religious freedoms. In Luke 21:28, Jesus gave us a clear directive about conducting ourselves during times like these. “When these things begin to take place, stand up (to rise or unbend), and lift up your heads because your redemption is drawing near.” (NIV)

Talking about the prophetic parts of our Bible and their correlation with current events helps us know when to stand up for Christ and preach His inevitable return. Standing up for Christ means we cannot bend to any government infringing upon our God-given rights. Consequently, the following three tenets are imperative if we live our faith, listen to our conscience, honor God’s temple, and follow Jesus.

 1) We cannot allow any government to keep us from “buying and selling,” be marked, chipped, segregated, withheld food or medical supplies, discriminated against, fired from our job, put in jails, detained in camps, shut our churches or disenfranchise us in any way for our religious beliefs or for our right to free speech. (Revelation 13:16-17)

2) No matter what the “cause,” we cannot allow mandatory access to our bodies because they are the Lord’s. We cannot allow for mandatory vaccinations, genetic therapies, or the implantation of computer chips or nano-robots. Like the Nuremberg Code, we prohibit forced medical treatments and demand the full disclosure of their ingredients. (Revelation 13:16-17)

3) We believe God created marriage between men and women to raise our children to follow Him. Therefore, we cannot allow anyone to destroy our families or interfere with our rights to parent our children. (Proverbs 22:6, Judges 2:10, Genesis 1:27-28)


We must now stand together against a worldwide coordinated movement that seeks to destroy these freedoms. To succeed, we must empty ourselves of what has separated us from each other and become obedient to our true calling. (Philippians 2:7-8) We are also calling for prayer, fasting, remembrance, and worship to change the mind and hearts of Americans to elect Godly leaders.

Furthermore, we must share this declaration in our pulpits, our workplace, and with our family and friends. We also must examine the political candidates to align with these imperatives regardless of their political affiliation. May God be with us, and may we make the most of every opportunity because the days are evil. (Ephesians 5:16)

*We also support the “Ezekiel Declaration” made by the pastors of Australia.


Initial Organizations In Agreement: 

All-Pro Pastors International, Somebody Cares Tampa Bay, United Pastors of America, Reborn Ministries


Initial Churches-In Agreement: 

Word of Grace & Truth Ministries Tampa FL, Crossing Church Brandon FL.



The purpose of the Watchmen Declaration is to educate the body of Christ about the latest assaults on our religious freedoms around the world and their prophetic implications. We also want to proclaim how our shared core beliefs can help us to both stand and unite against a common enemy that seeks to destroy our freedoms.


History of the Declaration 

The Watchmen Declaration was developed in the Tampa Bay area by concerned pastors and Christians about the alarming expansion of new forms of religious persecution. We were also inspired by the Ezekiel Declaration made by the pastors of Australia. After many hundreds of hours of conversations, we are proud to share that we have much in common. While we appreciate the freedom we have in Christ to follow our callings and focus on our respective ministries, we were pleased to unite and proclaim a collective statement regarding the essential articles of our faith. Because the “Watchmen” represents a vital function within the body of Christ, everyone is welcome to use the declaration as it is written. If you would like to join us in sharing this declaration or give us some feedback, please get in touch with us at


The Watchmen Declaration would like to thank the following for participating in this process:  

Dr. Thomas Dozier, Dr. Paul Pickern, Dr. Daniel Bernard, Dr. Anthony Ponceti, General Jim McClain, Pastor Greg Dumas, Dr. Kevan Kruse, Pastor Terry Heron, and Pastor Donald Hazen.

If you agree and align with this declaration you can click on any of the buttons below to sign the declaration in support.